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Wild Child

Wild Child

Writing this story and reflecting on this painting simply warms my heart.

This is the first in a series of paintings called the Child at Heart series.

Each child in the series brings their own unique qualities and love to different aspects of nature - Wild Child, Ocean Child, and Moon Child.

Wild Child is a colourful, contented, and peaceful portrayal of a child emerging from her wild adventure.

With wildflowers, twigs, and tiny creatures tangled in her hair and clinging to her red woollen jumper, this little girl reminds us to embrace our freedom and rediscover our inner child—exploring and marvelling at everything Mother Nature provides.

Her innocent face remains untouched by the distractions and influences of the world. So many external factors shape our lives, often changing who we are.

Who was the little person you once were, and what would you tell her today?

Is there still a part of you that sees the wonder in a tiny ladybug or an ant crawling across the grass?

Wild Child is here to remind you that if you’ve lost touch with that part of yourself, she is still there—waiting, even after everything that has happened. That little person grew into an adult, but your inner core never changes. It may be forgotten, but it is never lost.

Remember, you always have a choice in the person you become. That little child is still counting on you.

This warm-hearted little cherub, running barefoot and marvelling at the natural world, reminds you to be present in each moment—to find excitement in lying among the twigs, to watch in awe as a ladybug crawls across your finger, to feel the simple joy of walking barefoot in the dirt or along a sandy track. She teaches you to find gratitude in every day and to reconnect with who you are—or more importantly, who you are yet to become.

Eyes wide open.

The many symbols in this painting reflect the different aspects of her spirit. The spinebills represent her joy. The fish embody her passions.The turtles remind her to embrace gratitude. The butterflies symbolise her many transformations. The abundance of flowers reflects her growth. And the white feathers are her angels—always with her, forever.

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