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100 Butterflies

100 Butterflies

100 Butterflies symbolises hope, new beginnings, transformation, love, family and having courage for the unknown.

It’s said that 100 butterflies flying in the same direction brings positive energy into the home. This piece is sister to 100 Birds – however, what makes this painting unique is its delicate yet powerful message of change and transition.

A family of five gold birds watch the butterflies fly and transform, embracing their beautiful, colourful life. The butterflies give the family knowledge and wisdom about life’s spectacular wonders and what that might mean for them.

This special family, coming together to celebrate Mother Nature and the show she constantly puts on for everyone to experience, reminds us to never lose sight of the bigger picture and keep our minds open to the wonders right in front of us.

As we travel through life we don’t often stop to think about how many times we have symbolically morphed from caterpillar to butterfly. Butterflies are a symbol of metamorphosis; they have different stages of their life that help them develop. We learn from these creatures to not force things, let nature run its course, and to allow things to naturally gravitate toward you.

Butterflies don’t know what they will become after they leave their cocoon. They courageously emerge and discover a world of colour, with delicate wings that help them fly.

Each stage of life, whether it’s with our kids, family, friends or work, we learn something new about ourselves and the people around us. We live in an ever-evolving story of transformation.

The colours in these butterflies represent the knowledge and wisdom we gain through keeping our eyes open to the changes of life. 

Seeing all the colours, and where they take us, can give us understanding and perspective. It keeps our mind open.
Our world is so colourful. What we make of it, and how many colours we see depends on us. We’re only here for such a short time ­– so, just like these butterflies, we should try not to waste it.

Make like these beautiful butterflies, come out of your shaded cocoon, and be who you were born to be. Spread your colourful wings and fly.

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